14 August 2008

Read This Book

I just finished The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals by Jane Mayer. This book describes the behind-the-scenes jack-assery involved in authorizing and administering the use of torture in CIA interrogations. It reveals how much of our foreign, defense, and intelligence policies were written by lawyers (who were elected by nobody) and Vice President Cheney. It also uncovers how any attempt within the administration to highlight the illegality of such endeavors were crushed with impunity. There are many other revelations brought to light in this book. However, to justly illustrate them would require more space than I wish to occupy here. Nonetheless, after reading this book, it has become obvious that the Bush Administration is not only rife with incompetence and negligence, but also with criminal conduct. It is shameful that Congress has not been more aggressive in investigating these abuses- as well as others of equal gravity. This administration has not only shown disrespect to the foundation of our society (the law!), but it has also done violence to the very fibers of our being- the American way of life that they swore to protect. To note that I am disgusted would be an understatement. What is illustrated in this book is evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. If these anecdotes are, indeed, true then those responsible need to face the music. The solution is prescribed clearly in the Constitution: impeachment hearings in the House of Representatives followed by conviction hearings in the Senate. How justly ironic it would be for this administration to be brought down by the very institutions it sought to destroy.

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